Out of the Box
Fundraising Ideas
As you probably know by now, the quickest and easiest ways to raise funds is to send out emails to all of your contacts. However, these are NOT the only fundraising ideas we have up our sleeves. Read on to see some of our “Out of the Box” fundraising ideas and events that have worked for participants new and old! And remember, your Development Associate is here to help you create your very own personalized fundraising strategy. Feel free to call us at any time to discuss further fundraising strategies.
Bake Sale
After a religious service, outside the local shopping center, or right from your desk at work, people love goodies especially when the money goes to a great cause!
Got Talent?
Host an open-mike night for friends that have always wanted to try stand up. Don’t forget about trivia or karaoke. Make it fun, charge an entrance fee and have a prize for the winner.
Poker Night
Or any other card or board game – provide snacks and beverages and ask for a donation at the door.
Wine and Cheese Night
Approach your local wine shop with your business letter in hand and ask if they would be willing to donate some wine and cheese if you advertise the name of their shop at your event. Then invite some friends over for a nice relaxing evening, don’t forget to make an “ask” for a donation during the evening.
Pub Crawl
Pick a fun area with lots of different bars and come with a schedule, transportation, and even t-shirts. Ask everyone for a $20 donation to your personal fundraising page in order to participate.
Pasta Dinner
How easy is it to make spaghetti, meatballs, salad and bread?! Invite anyone and everyone over for a big family style dinner and tell them all about Best Buddies and what you are taking on. A $20 donation per person seems fair for a night where they don’t have to worry about cooking!
Train While You Fundraise
Incorporate a training ride into your fundraising by offering to bike to the grocery store or do other errands for someone. You will deliver everything back to them by bicycle in return for a donation!
Use What You Know
Love to cook? Offer a cooking class for friends and neighbors and ask for a donation to your page. Good with gardening? Pick a Saturday and offer a lesson in return for a donation.
Additional ideas:
Sports Tournament, Board Games Tournament, Dinner Party, House Party, Ice Cream Social, Pub Night, Pizza Party, Wine Tasting, Pancake Breakfast, Yard Sale, Car Wash, Tabling at Events or outside local stores, Local Restaurant Fundraiser, Lead Your Own Training Ride, sell Cookies in the Lunchroom, the options are as endless as your imagination!
Ideas by Month:
October – Halloween Party
November – Thanksgiving Lunch
December – Holiday Party
February – Valentine’s Day Bake Sale
March – St. Patrick’s Day Pub Night
April – Easter or Springtime Brunch
May – Mother’s Day Donations
June – Father’s Day Barbecue
July – Fourth of July Picnic
August – Summer Beach Party
September – Labor Day Party
Birthday – Donations in Lieu of Presents